Wednesday, August 5, 2009

When a dog becomes a cat

Bebe looked around...

Bebe is a detectiveee...

Bebe looking at something... what is that ??

Anyone can guess what is it ?

A clearer look ......what is this.. how come it is here

OMG is a ratatouille that is being killed by Bebe!!!!!

Bebe running away after killing

p/s: I dont even need a cat at home... Bebe is holding a record of killing 4 ratatouille in a row in just ONE night. You have been warned this is his territory , don't mess with him .


  1. wow hehe.. my dog was like that too. The one I got at Ipoh when stay there with parents. But give it away as move back here. :(

  2. We think to buy dobermann to protect home then decided for alarm.

  3. Wah dobermann is hugh .. and look fierce.. taking care of a dog is more or else like taking care a baby... Lucky my Bebe quite independent. Haha!


Let me know what you think! Thank you :)