Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I won few contests consecutively!!!

I am feeling so good last week because been winning few contests consecutively since last few months, from Stage Floral Fatale set and 4 Nuffnang's tickets including Transformer, UP, Murderer and latest Final Destination 4.

And I went for the premier of Final Destination - Rest in Pieces yesterday in 1 Utama and was surprised when was told by Nuffnang's staff Nicki that I won as one of the 5 best blog posts with the 5 best horrified pictures will win each win a pair of movie passes to watch any Fox released movies till Novermber 2009! Haha my look so horrified meh ? Why didn't give me like prettiest, cutest or adorable pictures .... haha

P/s: Aiks now is Ghost Month according to Chinese calendar!!! And looking at the pictures feeling so spooky! This movie is not suitable for people with weak heart !!!!this movie so gross and I am closing my eyes half time and my bf's hands feeling pained cos I keep hold him tightly every time.... Ok go watch yourself !!!!!!!

And when I got home and check my mail, I won another contest from TH's blog by guessing to the closest cost of how much she spent staying at Kuching Park Hotel in Kuching, Sarawak for 5 days for nights. My prize are a box of SIY Rm198, a piece of Eyeko Face Off and pink pouch from Sherry! And now waiting prize to reach my doorstep to take picture !

And I hope more prize to come, hope I am not too greedy ! Okay la, I hope the company giving out more prize so we all win !

p/s: Thank God for his blessing and thank you Nuffnang for sponsering my movies outing for past 3 months! Also not forgetting to say thank you ACP Magazines and TH !!!

Please dont be jealous, envy and curse me, cause your turn is coming soon !!!


  1. u are luckyyyyyyy!!!!!!! i wanna touch u to cast some luck!!!

  2. hehe.. so happy to share your happiness. Hope I have luck to win offline contest too.

    oh parcel done wrap :) waiting her to go post office. wahaha.. berat sure the gal at counter ask her.. whats inside!!!

  3. waaaaaaaa, can i hate u now, jess???? hahhaha =D

  4. forgot give you tracking number :)

    EN 200322845


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