I was in hometown happily celebrating Chinese New Year when my darling Sasa texted me that there is an invitation letter to Origins hand on workshop, immediately I called up and found out that the sessions on 6 Feb 2010 was fulled. Feeling disappointed and unsatisfied, I told Wendy the SA of Origins Isetan to put Sasa & my name on waiting list in case someone canceled. And today afternoon I received a called from Wendy and said Origins is generous to extend due to overwhelming respond. another session on 7th February 2010 at 10.30am and Sasa & me are in the list !!! And also Origins will also offered the participants FREE Dr. Weil Treatment Facial worth RM118 which initially was only limited for the 1st 40 participants who registered. To me this is a Big Angpau (red packet) for me in this Chinese New Year as I have not try any Origins facial before and this would be just the perfect gift!
Details as follows
Origins Hands On Massage Workshops
Date: 6th March, 2010 and 7th March 2010
Time: 10.30 am or 2.30pm sessions (Saturday) and 10.30am sessions ( Sunday)
Door Gift: No Puffery Eye Mask ( To be confirmed what is the door gift for the Sunday participant).
Additional Bonus 1st 40 to register receives Dr.Weils facial treatment (full facial) worth RM118 for both day participants. ( Now Sunday participants also get this free full facial too! Origins is so generous !)
Origins Hands On Massage Workshops
Date: 6th March, 2010 and 7th March 2010
Time: 10.30 am or 2.30pm sessions (Saturday) and 10.30am sessions ( Sunday)
Additional Bonus 1st 40 to register receives Dr.Weils facial treatment (full facial) worth RM118 for both day participants.
Call 03-2382 0200
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