Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I splurged a little bit, well not so little after all !

Last weekend I went to MAC to get a Lady Gaga Lipstick for Asa for her birthday and end up buying one for myself ! A little reward for myself !

But before that I splurged in Kanebo for Body Treatment package and bought a expensive Magnetic roller to do massage at home. Apparently my back pain & shoulder pain are due to blockage of my lymphatics nods.(sigh, sign of me getting old?)...So hopefully me getting better soon!!!


  1. hmm... I think you should do more treatment babe. Check out those detoxing or massaging treament. Should be good for you.
    You should sayang yourself more in this way and stop investing in nail colors ~ lol...

  2. Anna : Ya I enrolled in those detox programmed. to "open up" my lymphatic nods in Kanebo...Can feel the differences ..

    But nail colours so pretty. macam mana to resist ?

  3. Nice stuff u got! Hope yr back gets better girl

    Take care...


  4. Cynthia : Thank you .. Ah will post the lips swatch soon ! I hope I get better after the treatment :D

  5. Ooo..I tot the MAC Lady Gaga Lippie is sold out.

  6. Do exercise dear... and sleep more at night yea =]

  7. Slowbrogal : in Isetan Lot10 still got ! Late shipping , so still got there

    Lilian : yes i know.. >.<


Let me know what you think! Thank you :)