Sunday, August 12, 2012

Try RMK Brow Rehab services for Free !

Do you think restoring botched brows can be a major pain in the arch?

RMK is inviting you all to wipe away that worried look & drop by RMK counters today for a complimentary brow shaping service!

Terms & Conditions
1) Prior booking required
2) Limited to 5 customers a day
3) Valid from 10-19 August 2012

Isetan KLCC : 03-2164 7392 , Isetan The Gardens 03-2287 4931 , Parkson Pavilion 03-2148 3119

No purchase necessary to enjoy such service below.

More information , visit


  1. I must first get a brow service before getting my brow botched up. My brow is like.. argh... dun wanna talk about it :(

  2. gonna check them out...hopefully can get a sessionlah. 5 spots per day per location is slightly easier than striking lottery...but still tak senang:(


Let me know what you think! Thank you :)