Cindy, Wendy, Daniel (my head eater), me & Shannon
Last Sunday, me & a bunch of bloggers dressed in pink joined Avon's charity fun walk called “Kiss Goodbye to Breast Cancer” in Putrajaya! To be honest this is my first time waking up so early for a charity walk! I gotta to wake up at 5am (after sleeping for 2 hours after attending the NTV Golden Awards in Putrajaya the night before) so that we can reach Putrajaya Prescint 3 by 7am for registration! Well since this is a 5km walk, I decided to use our Samsung Galaxy SIII to capture picture instead of carrying my bulky dlsr camera!

Looked at the thousands of people who are there to join this meaningful walk!

I'm seeing the young, the old, family and couple all joining this meaningful walk

Avon did a great job hiring few clowns to cheer up us! Making us balloon and funny face to cheer up our Sunday!

Breast cancer survivors with poster thanking walkers for joining this walk!

Before we could start the walk, there are Zumba dance for warm up!

Celebrities looked so energectic while doing zumba dance!

These survivors looked equally energetic and having fun while doing the zumba dance too!
Spotted Avon's ANEW Ambasaddor Soo Wincci & Master Chef Datuk Fazley! They are so popular at the walk, fans are grabbing them to take pictures all the time!
Spotted clebrities like May June who is in pretty purple ombre hair!
We are ready for the walk!
Spot that Shannon wearing skirt & bunny ears somemore, she said 5km is very short walk only -.- (for her yes lah considering she is joining marathon and run all the time)
At 8.30am, Deputy Minister of Women, Family and Community Development, Datuk Heng Sai Kie & Carolyn Nur Amira Lee, Managing Director Avon Malaysia officially flag of the walk!
It was a relaxing walk since there is no prize for people who finish the walk the fastest.
Looked how our fellow bloggers friends still managed to pose & take pictures!
Spotted many kids dressed in Superheroes costume doing their charity walk too!

Creative cheer station!
We are cheered by these colourful poster with cheesy message to support us continue walking!
Ukelele players too!
Guards with horses guarding the walk
BSE (Breast Self Examination) Human Statues, encouraging us to do self-examination on our breast. Prevention is always better than cure!
Stress Free Zone; laughter is the best medicine!
One of th major caused of sickness is our stress level. So we must learn to breathe in and out!
I of course took the opportunity to take picture at all corner, I think this is my first time enjoying the Putrajaya view in such a slow pace!
JQ & Me , having own sweet taking picture, chating while walking! I must say this is one of the most fun & pleasant charity walk I have ever been too!
Yay finally I finished Avon's Kiss Goodbye to Breast Cancer 5km walk!!!! So proud of myself!
After the walk, we are entertained by a couple of songs from Soo Wincci. She really sings well in her Malay songs!
Thumb up to Avon for donating RM50k to Breast Cancer Welfare Association (BWA) and Pink Ribbon Wellness Foundation!
Pic taken from JQ's blog
Besides that our blogger friend Daniel is one of the 10 heroes who volunteer himself to be shaved Bald on the event by Michael & Guy Hair Salon & Academy team! This is to support & understand how breast cancer patients feel when they lose their hair during treatment. Thumb up to Daniel for being so brave and do it for charity even though I at first I thought he was joking when he tweet me and said he want to go bald for charity!

Was glad to know this walk is currently being endorsed by the Malaysian Book of Recods
for the Larest Participation Breast Cancer Charity Walk in Malaysia!!! I was really surprised when I knew that more than 7,230 people came for the walk!
After the performances, Madam Siow, 41 a breast cancer survivor &
mother of 3 young kids shared her experience when she was diagnosed with
breast cancer last year. These survivors are real winners!
Women out there, remember in order to kiss goodbye to breast cancer, we must
Do self examination at home regularly!
Go yearly medical check up!
Have good lifestyle & diet!
Stay happy & stress free all the time!
Early detection saves life, spread the words!
It was my first time attending such event too! Thanks for the invite Jess! :D
ReplyDeleteWow good one,, I don't know the place the day got gathering so no go..