Last Saturday 5 of us went for ROC's workshop which was held in Banker's Club in Level 21 Amoda Building. At first I wasn't sure if to attend the workshop because I have not heard ROC's name before. Anyway I was glad Natasya from ACP Magazine gave me a call 2 days before the workshop to confirm with me and well I am glad I made it .With RM30 as the fee for the workshop (even though the ad was RM200 door gift), I have least expectation after my not-so-happy experience for RM150 workshop , however it turns quite well!! Here are the pictures I have selected from 158 pictures !!!! 
Sounds prestigious oh, apparently is a
private club for upper class people !

Cosmopolitan & ROC the organiser for the ROC's workshop

A bag of door gift with MASK and lots of brochures

Classroom style workshop ( I like it !)

Dr Ruban & representative from ROC

Vonvon & Me camho-ing before the workshop starts

Dr Ruban in action! Sharing about the
Wrinkles & Aging Face of Asian vs Caucasian
p/s: He's very funny when he said I don't understand why women put extract from placenta/umbilical cord on their faces, it's yucks n he said have u ever asked where the hell the skincare/comestic marine thingy come from ? Klang river ?

Vonvon secret to non-wrinkles is Lancome if I remember well!

Mine secret is to LAUGH MORE....
Wait!!!! By laughing more got more wrinkles oh!wtf .. don't bother, I don't have any secret ..

OMG, so many wrinkles and one day I WILL COME TO THIS !!!!
I think I will use sand paper to rub it to make it smooth2x.. kaka

Others than Smoking / Skin treatments ... I have all the above !!!!

OMG, I don't think I have the chance of reducing/removing wrinkles !
BECAUSE no money to go for the above treatment... sob sob..

Some of the Depigmenting agents recommended by Doc to reduce wrinkles!!!
p/s : ROC products contains Retinol (which contains Retionic acid) is clinically proven to reduce wrinkles! 
And this is a common problem faced by Asian, pigmentation!
I hate pigmentation!

Special appearance by Yasmin Hani to share her beauty tips, she claimed that she did not go for any beauty centre facial wash and only using skincare that can be bought from Watson!! And WOW she don't even look like 30! Haha, thanks Wing for correcting her age

Very cooling & hydrating Mask! Anyway I got a model to try it
Buaya Wing my model of the day !Before picture

In the process!

After picture
According to Wing, it does leave her skin feeling cooling & moisturise! And LOOK some of the pigmentation on her right side of her face disappear if you closely!! Miracle leh...
Note : A box consists of 10 pcs of Magic Mask of RM99, recommended to use once a week
Candy in a mask
Cat in the Mask

Beauty in the Mask
Note : How to be beauty if its hide under the mask ??? 
ROC's toner
p/s: ROC's makeup remover is very nice cooling and cleans easily, unfortunately I don't know where is the pic already ! Price at RM63 in Jusco and RM79 in Guardian/Watsons.

ROC mosturiser smells so powdery good also non-stickiness,
feeling your skin like silk after using it according to
ROC's star product which consists of Retinol which is proven to reduces wrinkles/fine lines!

Okay refreshment time , held in Banker's Club traditonal English style members BAR!

However no alcohol was served on that mentioned date!!!
Hmmmpph.... bar without beer/wine ?

Pool table for the Master!
While the Mistress chatting away about their latest LV's bag and in this case their latest
Make Up collection!!!

Some of the yummylicious cakes!

And the sandwiches were apparently good !
Most important of all
Unexpected door gift worth more than RM200 !!!!
p/s: ROC is very good in their marketing by giving so much samples/products to try at home, they know if their are good and we will definately go and buy it after finishing using it ! Well done !

ROC's booklet which tell you what to use according to your skin concern

Very well presented booklet

And also we are given Privilege even though we haven't purchase anything yet !!!!

And their products are available for sale at the workshop
Note : We are also given RM20 cash voucher (for purchase RM100 and above to be used only on the day of the workshop. 
Oh yes, Miu won Michael's Jackson latest Sony album from Cosmopolitan website and she got her album during her workshop... (In the pic is Natasya from Cosmopolitan)
Overall rating of the workshop : 8/10
Value of RM30 workshop :10/10
Look at the generous door gift prepared by ROC !!! And also the nice place/food/SA in the workshop! Unlike the one in the
PAST !!!
Location - Banker's Club : 9/10
I like the classroom style workshop and Banker's club is quite a nice place for workshop because it has proper lighting,toilets, tables and chairs. Moreover Banker's Club is situated in Amoda Building which is 5 mins walking distance from Monorail.Food : 7/10As you can see the cakes/sandwiches are well presented and very yummylicious! Unfortunately it was not re-filled in time because its so nice everyone took it and left the sisa2 for the people in the back of queue.
Note : The organisers however were very friendly and kind after knowing we are hungry because most of them did not take breakfast before the workshop, she said will bring the food to the class personally for us . How kind of her ... !!
Knowledge of Speaker : 9/10
I like the fact that ROC has invited a professional / certified dermatologist and plastic surgery expert come to share with us the scientific finding of aging & skin problem faced by Asian women. Because it also empower us the consumer of beauty/skin product to be careful in what we should/should not be using. . And it is surprising to find out that the Dr Ruban did not sell hard about ROC's product or become the brand ambassador rather he was professional in giving his advice! And thanks ROC for bringing a professional to share his view and to be frank we are more convince/comfortable by listening to a Doctor's advice rather than a SA. And there was a Q&A sessions where we are allowed to ask anything at all !! Free advice some more...
Suggestions & Improvements: Cant able to think of any at this moment,
however I must said well done to ROC/ Cosmopolitan for organising this :)
One of the best workshop ever, good people, good speaker, good food and good products.
Exclusion clause : All above pictures, review, rating and comments are of my personal opinion observed from the workshop and do not mean to defame anyone or whoever are concerned. I do not hold malice against any product/person and only meant for personal sharing of experience to my fellow readers.