First time I came across nail stripes and from the packaging can see that Sally Hansen Salon Effects Real Nail Polish Strips are so glittery and pretty.

The ingredients

Inside the box there are 16 stripes of different sizes which you supposed to match which one suitable for your nail sizes. These nail stripes are long so it would be suitable for people with long nails too!

I followed the instruction on the box to apply and and it is a little bit more difficult than I thought it would be. Because once I paste the nail strip on the nails, I cannot peel it off to repaste to the correct position, as the nail strip is thin and easy to break. I took quite a while to paste and remove the length using the buffer provided. I would think need to practice in order to put on nicely. The excess of the nail strips need to be removed gently using the nail buffer provided in the box, quite simple.

As my nails are short, I discovered that I could use 1 strips for my 2 nails !! Yay for saving!

And the beauty of this Sally Hansen Salon Effects Real Nail Polish Strips is that there is chance of smudging the nail polish and ZERO waiting time for nail polish to dry off!

I learned that these nail strips are made from groundbreaking breathable film, so nails are protected and won't be suffocate! Also like the normal nail polish, just remove it using nail polish remover.

Review : After putting it on, I think the nail strips looked so real & pretty (even my bf didnt' believe it too!) and was literally trying to scratch them off to prove to me I'm lying(OMG!). I like how the surface of the nail strip is smooth eventhough it's a nail polish glitter type. Even though I took some time to apply these nail strips for the first time but I think a few more round of practice it will be easy! Applying nail strips can allow my nails take a break from nail polish (because keep applying them in dark colour will cause the nails becoming yellow). Selling at RM45.90 is kinda pricey but it saves the trouble when I want to have nail polish on my nails fast and yet don't have time to visit the salon! So definitely it's a great product to bring for holiday!
Available at Guardian Pharmacy, Sa Sa, Watson's Personal Care Store. (RRP RM45.90)Sally Hansen Nail Real Nail Polish Strips in Glitz Blittz